By Anonymous
A new cult among young people is developing, outside the cities & towns. Young people are smoking a mixture of herbs & magic mushrooms, & speaking with the ancient spirits of the island.
Chanting & dancing are often seen among the mushroom smokers.
They prefer quiet places, such as forests, away from cars & roads.
Using psychic energy, many of these people are altering reality, helping other humans to evolve beyond the need for technological toys.
Tags: Cuba, young people, new cult, Bienal de La Habana, outside, mushrooms, ancient spirits, island, chanting, dancing, forests, roads>, cars, psychic energy, reality, humans, technology
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Hace 3 semanas
The psychic energy is being felt all over! Intense colors are being experienced this Spring like not seen in many seasons. The ancient ones are speaking in tongues, foreign and native. "Dance, dance, dance!" is their mantra.